What does dead end sign mean?

Answer: A dead-end sounds scary, right? It is. Why? Because such a street has no other end and that doesn’t go anywhere. The MUTCD has specific codes for dead-end signs.
In the U.S., you’ll come across varied warning signs like Dead End, No Outlet No Exit, and Not a Through Street, all of these are there to inform you that a street doesn't lead anywhere.
You can look them up in their manual, or just read below for an easy explanation of what does dead end sign mean.
Are no outlets and dead-end signs the same?
The Dead End and No Outlet signs do the same job but are used in different situations:
- Dead End (W14-1): Located at the entrance of a road or street that ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac.
- No Outlet (W14-2): Located at the entrance of a road or road network where there is no other exit.
What does dead end sign mean (W14-1)?
It originally comes from the term Cul de Sac. A French word, meaning "bottom of the sack." In English, we use Dead End because the street stops or ends. There is another word "Terminate" which also means "to die," which is why we say "Dead End."
The Dead End sign is a type of warning sign. This means its purpose is to alert the drivers about the entrance of a road or street that ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac.
When should a No Outlet sign (W14-2) be used?
A No Outlet sign should be used at the entrance of a road or road network where there is no other exit.
Can Dead End and No Outlet signs be combined with street name signs?
Yes, both signs can be combined with street name signs under the local law. So that the signs can warn drivers that the cross street ends in the direction indicated by the arrow.
What do the W14-1a and W14-2a signs indicate?
These signs indicate Dead End or No Outlet conditions. They both have a horizontal rectangle shape with an arrow pointing left or right.
What are the codes given to Dead End and No Outlet signs?
Check section 2C.26 it has W-141 for Dead End signs, while No Outlet signs use W14-2 for no outlet sign W14-2a
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